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American Heart Month 2023

February is American Heart Month, which helps raise awareness for heart disease. This month reminds Americans to adapt a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent heart disease. About 120 million Americans suffer from heart disease and cardiovascular conditions. Heart disease has been the number one cause for death in the United States. Heart conditions are common but they are also preventable with healthy life choices, technology and healthcare.

Having health awareness can keep the heart in great conditions. Being physically active and having a healthy balanced diet can also reduce the risk for heart disease. Having basic knowledge on cholesterol, blood sugar, and weight can help you keep track of your habits and what you can do to decrease the risk for heart disease. Medical imaging equipment plays a great part in preventing as well as tracking heart disease. Heart screening is important when you have a family history for this disease.

X-Ray Machines can be used for analyzing the chest and tracking its size. An increase in heart growth can be concerning as well as pulmonary vascular markings which can indicate heart failure. MRI Scanners can also be used if doctors need to further test and confirm previous exams and it is the primary imaging modality when trying to diagnose myocarditis or myocardial inflammation. CT Scanners will be used for a CT coronary angiography, which can directly visualize the coronary arteries for disease.

Prioritizing heart health can lead to early detection and can decrease the risk of heart disease. Practicing healthy eating and sleeping habits as well as avoiding smoking and stress can reduce the risk for heart disease. This February, make sure to apply healthy habits and raise awareness for heart disease!

Here at Medilab Global, we are proud to be serving our community and healthcare providers with our products for over 25 years! If you are a Doctor or facility looking to sell used medical equipment, we buy medical equipment as well and can help you purchase or trade for one of our options! You can fill out this form and be sure to contact us, we are happy to help! We ship worldwide to hospitals, clinics, pain management facilities, and much more!


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