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MRI Suites

If you´re looking for an MRI Suite for your facility, at Medilab Global we have many options for you!  We have  Refurbished MRI Machines for Sale, and there is no doubt your investment is in great hands. It’s important for facilities to know the tips and challenges that might come with owning an MRI machine.

MRI machines require a lot of space. Make sure to always know the size of the room where the equipment will be. Having an MRI machine requires 3 different rooms. A Scan Room, an Equipment Room, and a Control Room. All electronics connected to your MRI machine will be in the Equipment Room. This includes cabinets and compressors. The Scan Room is where patients will be Scanned and technologists will work from the Control Room in a space equipped with a  workstation. Another bonus for patients is when facilities provide a changing room within the suite.

Dimensions for these Suites vary, and often most are advised to be kept structured and space-efficient. Staff can work more comfortably from a space that’s well thought out. Owning Used MRI Machines or Refurbished MRI Machines implies thinking about the patient experience. The more comfortable that you make your patient feel, the more your staff and facility will be recognized for customer service! 

If you are interested in acquiring Used Medical Imaging Equipment, Refurbished Medical Imaging Equipment or Pre-Owned Medical Imaging Equipment contact us at Medilab Global-  we are happy to help! We ship worldwide to hospitals, clinics, pain management facilities, and much more!


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