(305) 234 0084


The Philips Intera 1.5T Master provides you with with the following Specification::
• Software Options List: Basic SW, IHE Software, SMART-Scan brain, 2D-VCG, 6 RF Channels, 16 RF Channels, R2/R12 Enhancements, 8 RF Channels, Advanced EPI, GraSE, Reserved, High SENSE factors, Extended FOV, Keyhole, DWI, Phase Navigators, TE>TR, Functional MRI, Thrive, Q-Flow, Contrast ENH Perf, Moving Bed IMA, Adv. moving bed ima, Adv. peripheral angio, Whole body, Black blood prepulse, MSMP, Multivane, Retrospective, Prospective motion corr, T1 Perfusion, 3 point plan scan, Rescan, Diffusion calc, Perfusion calc, RT-Bold analysis, Q-Flow analysis, Multi Station view
• Additional Workstation? No
• Current Service Contract: Yes
• Magnet Strength: 1.5T, F2000 Magnet
• Current Helium Level: 67%
• Gradient Type: Master/Nova
• Number of RF Channels: 16
• Coil List:
SENS NV Coil 1.5T/16 CH, Sense Knee Coil 1.5T/8 CH, Wrist
445PH-64,Posterior IPX1, Anterior IPX1, SYN Spine
ACS-NT, Quadrature Knee Foot, Sense Shoulder Coil, Sense Spine
Coil 1.5/15CH, Coil C1, Coil C3, Coil E1,
Sense Flex Small, Medium, Large

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