(305) 234 0084

Medilab Global is a proud IAMERS member!

Since 1995, which was the year Medilab Global was founded, we have been committed to providing high-quality pre-owned medical imaging equipment, parts, and service to the healthcare industry worldwide. We have developed key business partners and solutions in order to guarantee our customer’s complete satisfaction. Since our position is very clear on customer service and communication, it was without a doubt a pleasure to become a proud IAMERS member.

The International Association of Medical Equipment Remarketers and Servicers (IAMERS) ‘‘works for its members and for end-users to insure high clinical value, affordable diagnostic imaging equipment, parts, and service to be available to the diagnostic imaging community, says the IAMERS team.’’ 

At Medilab Global we ensure to meet the standards that this organization recognizes. 

Medilab has developed one of the largest networks of dealers and certified engineers for every modality and we are certain to meet every requirement that the IAMERS best practice policy certifies. Melissa Henao, Medilab’s Chief Marketing Officer states “This is a great accomplishment for Medilab Global, we have always strived to provide the best medical equipment and services to the healthcare industry, and being part of IAMERS helps us accomplish this goal.”

Medilab continues to provide facilities with top-quality used medical imaging equipment and we are honored to be a qualified member of IAMERS!

If you are interested in acquiring Used Medical Imaging Equipment, Refurbished Medical Imaging Equipment or Pre-Owned Medical Imaging Equipment contact us at Medilab Global-  we are happy to help and we have used medical equipment such as MRI machines for sale! We ship worldwide to hospitals, clinics, pain management facilities, and much more!

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