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February: National Cancer Prevention Month

February is National Cancer Prevention Month and that reminds us each year to get our screenings done. It is proven that cancer does not wait, so neither should we. Early screenings and preventive checkups are the best way to do so. Besides living a healthy and active life, we should make sure to visit our doctor regularly to prevent any type of cancer from going too far. Today we will list some of the screenings you can anticipate to complete in order to detect many types of cancer, and the medical imaging equipment used in doing so.

Breast Cancer

To detect any type of breast cancer in the body, it is necessary to get a breast cancer screening done. Always talk to your doctor about the best cancer screening for you informed and shared decision making is very important. A typical breast cancer screening will entail having a mammogram or a breast MRI done. Mammogram’s take detailed images of the breast with an X-Ray to scan for cancer. This is the best way to find cancer for women in the screening age. Breast MRI uses magnets along with radio waves to create the image of the scan. At Medilab Global we provide facilities with mammography units, we have mammo’s for sale and MRI machines that guarantee these provide top technology to their patients.

Lung Cancer

A low dose CT Scan will be required when screening for lung cancer. This means only a small amount of radiation will be used to create the image of your lungs. People between 50 and 80 years old with a smoking history within the last 15 years should regularly screen for lung cancer since it is one of the leading causes of this disease. At Medilab Global we are committed to cancer prevention and we have CT scanner machines that help detect lung and colon cancer.

Colon Cancer

This type of cancer can also be early detected by completing a CT Scan. With a virtual colonoscopy or a CT colonoscopy, an image is created and can detect polyps or other abnormalities inside of the colon. If any polyps are detected, a regular colonoscopy can be performed to remove them. People with a risk of colon cancer due to family history or any bowel disease are recommended to start early screening anywhere between 45 and 50 years old.

It is without a doubt that early screening can help save lives. The earlier one detects any abnormalities in the body, the better the outcome in the long run. This month, let us be reminded that with one screening our lives and the lives of others can change instantly. 

If you are interested in acquiring Used Medical Imaging Equipment, Refurbished Medical Imaging Equipment or Pre-Owned Medical Imaging Equipment contact us at Medilab Global-  we are happy to help and we have used medical equipment such as MRI machines for sale, and CT Scanners for Sale! We ship worldwide to hospitals, clinics, pain management facilities, and much more!

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